Selasa, 30 September 2014

Carrots are root crops

Carrots are root crops are classified as highland vegetable products. Cultivation of carrots will produce maximally when grown at an altitude of over 1000 meters above sea level. Even so these plants can still grow at a lower place.

A short guide wortelKarena cultivation on growth of carrot plants require cold and humid weather, although the carrots can be planted throughout the year, but should be planted in the upland areas. Temperature needed for growth Agen Judi Bola, Taruhan Bola Terbaik dan Terpercaya and tuber production can be optimized between 15,6o-21,1o C. If the temperature is too high (heat) produced tubers are often small (abnormal) and the color is pale / dull. Conversely, if the air temperature is too low (very cool), tubers produced into a small shape and length.

Carrot plants will grow well in soil that is loose, fertile, contains a lot of organic matter (humus), and embrace the air and water system that runs well (not pooled). This type of soil is soil andosol which are generally found in upland areas. Soil acidity required for carrot plants ranged between 5.5-6.5. If the soil pH is less than 5.0, then the carrot plant can not form bulbs.

In addition to considering natural factors as mentioned above,

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